How to Prepare your Futurity Videos

How to Prepare Your Futurity Videos - Virtual Assessments

A word from the International Futurity Evaluators

We are looking forward to reviewing all Futurity entries, working together as a team. It is very exciting that modern technologies allow us to do this across international borders, and to continue to be involved in helping British Breeding in this new way. It will be great to see all the Futurity horses in their home environment where they can be relaxed and show us their natural movement and talent. 

British Breeding/Baileys Horse Feeds Virtual Futurity - Veterinary & Nutritionist Assessment

The aims of the each part of the virtual evaluations remain the same as when carried out “in the flesh” so please refer to the Futurity Veterinary Assessment Information page, for clarification on the Veterinary Mark.  The Nutritionist will work alongside the Veterinary Surgeon, during the virtual evaluations, to assess the body condition and muscle development for each youngster.  A score is given which contributes to the advanced linear scoring system used by the British Breeding team.

A word from Baileys Horse Feeds’ Director of Nutrition, Liz Bulbrook BSc (Hons)

We’re delighted that the team at British Breeding have found a way to continue with the invaluable opportunity for young horse evaluations, which the Futurity represents, and look forward to working alongside our veterinary colleague in this new virtual way.  We will miss interacting with breeders, “on the day”, but are sure that we will still be able to offer constructive and helpful feedback and more detailed follow-up advice to those who seek it. 

For any advice on videoing your youngster’s body condition or on tweaking a diet to ensure they are looking at their best, do contact Liz Bulbrook and her team on 01371 850247 (option 2), or via social media.

Downloads: Here are some useful printable lists of video requirements by age group:

Video Checklist for Foals

Video Checklist for Yearlings

Video Checklist for 2, 3 & 4-Year-Olds


Veterinary & Body Condition Assessment

In order for the veterinary surgeon and nutritionist to make a full assessment of each entrant, video footage of a range of specific aspects is required.  We have broken these down into individual views to give you a check list and some advice on what you need to capture. 

Your submitted videos do not have to be broken down into these individual elements but must contain them all in whatever order is most convenient.  Please be aware that these video examples were made using the horses available and are not all perfect.  The narrated advice from the veterinary surgeon and nutritionist provide useful comment and guidance to help you produce the most effective views of your horses.

Basic Filming Tips

Please send us TWO videos, if you have taken more, please edit them together to create two videos, ONE VIDEO for the Veterinary and Nutrition Assessment, and ONE VIDEO for the Evaluation of the Frame and Gaits.  Please do not send us lots of short videos.

  • Please film all shots in landscape ie. with your phone held horizontally.
  • Fill the frame and get as close to the horse as is safe to do so, only using the zoom facility when absolutely necessary, as zooming in tends to reduce the video quality.
  • Be aware of light and shade, especially when filming black legs and feet, as detail becomes lost in shadow. 
  • Try to capture as much footage as possible side on, going with the foal or youngster when showing movement.

Presentation Tips

  • All horses must be show in-hand.  No lunging.
  • Hooves must be unpainted.
  • Leave tails unplaited as plaited tails can affect the gaits.
  • Handlers are advised to wear appropriate safety gear eg hard hats and gloves.
  • For side views, the horses’ legs should be positioned apart so that each limb can be seen.  For hind and front views, the legs and feet must be square.
  • When walking or trotting horses towards and away from the camera, they must move in a straight line.  If you can steadily and safely follow a horse with the camera, as it moves away from you, that helps maintain a clearer view.
  • When leading, always look straight ahead to keep your horse or pony straight.
  • Plaiting is optional, but will look smarter, particularly if you want to use your video for sales purposes.


Part 1:  Template Required for Remote Evaluation - Veterinary and Nutrition Assessment


1 Static from Left side on hard level surface

     A Mare and foal

     B Foal – including side on of all four limbs, knees and hocks downwards

2 Foal static from Right side on hard level surface, including side on of all four limbs, knees and hocks downwards

3 Static from in front on hard level surface

       A Mare – including front on of both forelimbs, knees downwards

       B Foal – including front on of both forelimbs, knees downwards

4 Foal static from behind on hard level surface, including hind view of all four limbs, knees and hocks downwards

5 Foal walking away on hard level surface

6 Foal walking towards on hard level surface

7 Foal trotting away on hard level surface

8 Foal trotting towards on hard level surface



9 Static from Left side on hard level surface 

10 Static from Right side on hard level surface 

11 Static from in front on hard level surface, including close up of front feet

12 Static from behind on hard level surface, including close up of hind limbs

13 Front feet from behind taken from between hind legs

14 Walking away on hard level surface

15 Walking towards on hard level surface

16 Trotting away on hard level surface

17 Trotting towards on hard level surface

18 Backing up four strides, then walking forward, on hard level surface

19 Turning in their own length, to the right, four times on hard level surface

20 Turning in their own length, to the left, four times on hard level surface



21 Walking to the left, on a 20 metre circle on soft level surface

22 Walking to the right, on a 20 metre circle on soft level surface

23 Trotting to the left, on a 20 metre circle on soft level surface

24 Trotting to the right, on a 20 metre circle on soft level surface.

Please also show steps 21 - 24, 20m circle on both reins in walk and trot on a hard level surface



25 Body profile, at an angle to the shoulder, showing neck, shoulder, ribs, quarters


Part 2:  The Evaluation of the Frame and Gaits by the International Team

For this part, please show one continuous video 

The second part of the evaluation will assess your entry on the following aspects:

1. The Frame / Topline Conformation

For this part, we will be able to use the footage prepared for the veterinary and nutritionist evaluation, so there is no need to create any additional video.

2. The Gaits (Walk, Trot, Canter)

For this part, please submit one continuous video of up to 5 minutes, showing walk, trot and canter on a soft surface (either an arena, or a paddock) on both reins. This video should incorporate the following elements:

- walk in hand on both reins (you can film this at the beginning and at the end, if you wish to)

- trot in hand or loose - we recommend that a good section of trot is shown loose to show natural movement

- canter loose - for foals, you can use the hold back and release method, or you can let mare and foal loose

Please do not edit the footage, and please do not use slow motion. 

If you are viewing this information on a mobile device, please scroll down to see example videos.  


Part 3:  Loose Jumping for 3 and 4-year-old Eventers and Showjumpers

For those with 3-year old eventers and showjumpers, there is no option for virtual loose jumping evaluations of using videos taken at home for safety reasons. However, we are working with several appropriate, well-equipped indoor venues around the country where breeders can take youngsters for a safe, supervised loose jumping video session. Venues include Brendon Stud in Sussex, Catherston Stud in Hampshire, Heritage Coast Stud in Suffolk, and Ladykirk Equitation and Stud in Scotland.  Please refer to our web pages on 3-5yo loose jumping and How to present your horse for more information.


This guidance is intended to show you how to prepare your videos for submission with your Futurity Entries.  Please follow the videos and also refer to the guidance notes.  


Veterinary & Nutrition Assessment





















Gait & Frame Assessment




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